Uros Korlenka

He graduated from the high school of medicine "Nadežda Petrović" in 2016 in Belgrade, majoring in nurse - technician. He graduated in 2020 at the College of Health Professional Studies in Belgrade, study program - Professional Occupational Therapist.

At the High Health and Sanitary School of Vocational Studies "Visan" in Belgrade in 2021, he graduated from the study program - professional Physiotherapist.

 Post graduated education:
-IPNFA Basic Course level 1 & 2 in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Work experience:

  • Internship at the Institute of Rheumatology in Belgrade in 2020 for a period of 6 months;
  • Internship at Dr. Miroslav Zotović ”, Sokobanjska 17a, 2021 in a period of 6 months;
  • Rehabilitation clinic "Manual physical therapy", Belgrade 2022.