Endogenous therapy is based on the capacity of a capacitive and resistant energy transfer solution. The appliance operates at 500khz. It activates the natural processes of body recuperation. It is used in thermal (warm) and athermic (cold) mode depending on the desired effect.
"Extended Arm" in Manual Therapy.
He is most prominent in private practice and clinics in Italy, France and Spain, but has been expanding slowly across Europe for the last couple of years.
We are delighted that our most modern range of physical therapists have enriched the premium model in the world of TECAR and keep up with the latest world standards.
In the study of the effects of recovery and regeneration therapy, an increased flow rate of 200% was noted for 30 minutes of this therapy.
According to our goals within the framework of the functioning of the concept of "MANUAL physical therapy", under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, we have published a professional work in the field of our research. 8. Congress of the Society of Physiotherapists of Serbia with international participation on the topic of "Effects of Tecar Therapy with Combination of Manual Therapy in Lumbar Hernia“